The Secrets of Effective Messaging

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” If only that were true in business. Carefully-designed “covers“ are essential to attracting potential buyers to commit to purchasing products and services. Covers in business are not just on books. They include everything that acts as an impression (or as I term them: […]

How to attract and retain the best people

Alot of companies say that employees are their most valuable assets, but do not all walk the talk. It takes a lot of time and effort to find, recruit and retain the right people to join your company. It also takes considerable time to onboard and get them to the point that they are making […]

Three habits to boost your productivity

As high achievers, the main objective is to move and evolve at a faster pace in life, all while making your biggest impact in the world. When it comes to being a high achiever in business, it’s going to require more than morning routines and the typical productivity hacks that are often mentioned. To gain […]

5 Signs to Identify a Leader

I am often asked, what are the attributes of a great leader? This can be in the context of recruitment or identifying those individuals which could potentially become the future leaders of a company. While great leadership, to an extent, can be personal and subjective to the follower, there are some universal principles which keep surfacing over and over […]

5 Ways To Prevent Stress At Work And Regain Productivity

In today’s culture of busyness, people think it’s cool to brag about how little sleep they need to get by. They think burning the midnight oil is the only way to get ahead. However, in reality, it’s only burning them out. Avoiding business burnout starts with de-stressing. Here are 5 simple tips to ensure you’re […]

What The Best Performers Have In Common

Where do you believe greatness is achieved? Is it in the work that we do in front of others? Or is it in the preparation that leads us to greatness? Our energy, effort and focus are 100% in our control. It is the work that we put into utilising these aspects of our preparation that […]

How to get over obstacles…

The most important step in achieving any goals is identifying everything that’s standing in your way. Most people don’t seek out obstacles. It can be tough to get past them and daunting sometimes to even think about them. For many successful business leaders, though, obstacles are actually a necessity. They come up whenever they create […]

The Key to Growth

The key to growth is rarely found in finding the “right” answer. Answers change because the environment changes. Charles Darwin is famous for his theory of Survival of the Fittest. What is interesting is his definition of “fittest.” It is not the biggest, fastest, strongest or smartest…. it is the most adaptable. It turns out […]

How leaders discover new ideas in their lunch breaks

A great way, I learned whilst at Alliance Boots, to develop connection, belonging and an employees self worth in a company’s culture is for the MD (Managing Director) to have lunch with small groups of cross-functional employees on a regular basis. The spirit of this MD Lunch program is to spend an hour with the […]

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