High Growth Coaching

A High Growth coach will give you the right tools, mindset, accountability and network needed to rapidly achieve success whilst balancing between making sure you get help with the most pressing issues and keeping you focused and accountable for long-term change. We are with you all the way - encouraging, supporting and sharing a proven approach to delivering high growth.

What we do

What is coaching

There are a multitude of tools, strategies and methodologies to help you deliver growth in your business. At high growth we deliver the most effective and proven of these. Yet our coaches spend comparatively little time in training you on these. Instead our time is spent coaching the directors, leaders and senior managers of the business removing any barriers and giving them to confidence to scale. 

We help company leaders build a high growth business– one powerful conversation at a time. Using an array of coaching tools our highly qualified scale up coaches ensure leaders have the right mindset and skills to deliver sustainable high growth effortlessly.

Our High Growth coaching solutions provide executive coaching on a one-on-one basis, giving you an invaluable source of support and development for your executives, senior managers and business leaders.

Great coaching is a constant balancing act between making sure you get help with the most pressing issues and keeping yourself focused and accountable for long-term change.


reasons to work with us

Why choose
High Growth?

Relevant Experience

All of our professionally certified coaches have a track record of success having personally managed high growth companies. They have experienced the highs and the lows of delivering growth, and will be able to empathise with the challenges you will undoubtedly go through.

Tailored Programs

In our experience no company has the same development needs or 'learns' in the same way. It is for this reason, once we have immersed ourselves in your organization, we will tailor a High Growth coaching program to your company’s specific needs. This can be delivered remotely or face to face.

Unique Approach

We build relationships with clients based on trust, integrity, honesty, empathy & respect. Our 100 % commitment to our client’s success and lasting results is legendary. We will do what it takes to guarantee your success.

Rapid Results

We deliver results efficiently and effectively, ensuring you rapidly see the value of coaching within your business. However, we balance this ambition with a belief that you must enjoy the journey of growth.

Support and accountability

When you engage High Growth we are 10% committed to your growth. It is for this reason we both hold you to account and support you outside the coaching session by email or phone.


What our clients
say about us

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