Be a sponge…

There’s a misconception that the most successful business leaders achieve greatness because they’re geniuses. You look at people like Mark Zuckenberg, Larry Page, Richard Branson and Warren Buffett, and it seems that might just be true. After all, they are more successful than their peers, and there’s no doubt they’re extremely sharp However the truth is different. […]

How to create a high performing team….

Building a successful team is not a task you can achieve overnight. It’s a complex process that requires your efforts as a leader. Communication, cooperation, and resource allocation are three main factors to pay attention to. The five steps explained below will help you improve your teamwork and productivity as a team. Define the Purpose […]

How to keep your strategic plan alive…

So, you’ve had a great strategy planning session with your team. Everybody left the session ready to hit your targets for the year and move the company one step closer to achieving your Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Unfortunately, even with everyone’s good intentions, running the day-to-day business can get in the way of making progress […]

How to improve team accountability

Often leaders find personal accountability comes naturally. Being reliable, achieving predictable results, communicating expectations and results effectively, accepting responsibility for their actions, etc. are all things that got them where they are. However, once you become a leader, personal accountability won’t cut it anymore. Now, you also have to cultivate accountability in your team with […]

3 Strategies to avoid over commitment

Saying no is hard. You may fear the idea of disappointing someone, or feel like you’re missing out on an opportunity by declining an invitation. You want to do it all, but can you actually do it all? Quick answer: no. Prioritising your time as a business leader is no small task. In fact, it […]

What introverts and extroverts can learn from each other

With different communication styles this can cause several challenges when these two personality types have to work together. Without this proper understanding, extroverts can feel that introverts are antisocial, while introverts see extroverts as overbearing. Yet despite their differences, introverts and extroverts can work together effectively, learning skills from each other. Here are four lessons […]

Empathy – the Secret of Successful Leadership

A recent study carried out by Development Dimensions International, highlights empathy as the biggest single leadership skill needed today. In the US some companies I have worked with believe that empathy is so important that they send managers to “empathy training.” Here are five reasons that empathy is becoming the number one leadership skill: Increased loyalty One […]

How to get fast results?

If you really want to accelerate your results, there is only one way to do it: Change your environment. You have to throw yourself in the deep end. If you are not immersing yourself into an environment that not only excites you but sometimes terrifies you, you only slow down your results and plateau where […]

How discipline can lead to success

Scott Peck in his book The Road Less Traveled says that “without discipline we can solve nothing.” The most successful people in life are disciplined. Fact. Discipline is made up of tools we use to cope with life’s problems and challenges. Below I list some of the key markers of discipline: Hard working. If we […]

5 TED Talks to Improve your Leadership

As a coach, I’m always on the lookout for new inspiration and tools for helping others improve leadership. Learning about other people’s experiences, strategies, and ideas about leadership. Here are 5 of the best TED talks that summarise what makes great leaders Simon Sinek, “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe” Simon Sinek affirms that […]

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