10 Habits from the most productive people

We all face the same challenge – there are only 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have an uncanny ability to get things done no matter what. Even when juggling multiple projects, they achieve what they set out to do without fail. We all want to get more out of life. […]

Taking your meetings to a new level

Why is there a sudden drain of energy when the topic of meetings arises in coaching sessions? When questioned the issues normally arise around them being poorly organised, overly long, and meandering or driven by the moods of the dominant personalities in the room. Having both facilitated and participated in thousands of meetings in my […]

Want to create more time?

Most people I come across complain at one time or another that they haven’t enough time. Here are some ideas to create more time so you can get all your work done, and still have time left over for a personal life: 1. Quit complaining. You get the same amount of time every day as […]

Keep you energy levels high……

Over the years, I have been fortunate to have worked directly with hundreds of very successful business leaders and CEO’s . One trait they all share is an enormous amount of energy. Energy comes from all sorts of places; passion and commitment, good genes, age, etc. However, over time, long hours, travel, and the aging […]

Ideas to help you focus……

Have you ever had a day when you felt like you had a million things going on at once and at the end of the day, you felt nothing was accomplished? It’s so frustrating! Modern life and business is so fast-paced, compounded by most of us planning a lot more than can realistically be achieved in […]

How to have a great holiday!

Holidays are for recharging and reenergising! It is also a time to disconnect from work. However, many directors are not in a position to totally disconnect from their business for a few weeks. So how can you achieve that balance and minimise disruptions. Here some ideas to help you before you depart: 1. Plan before […]

How to create more time in your day….

The challenge with time, of course, is that there never seems to be enough of it in the day for everything we need to do, which is exactly why planning is so important. Time is inelastic in the sense that it moves forward at the same rate for everyone, but the impact that a leader […]

Time for a breakthrough…..

Over last week I was fortunate to be in Thailand with 250 of the coolest, brightest ‘movers and shakers’ from over 40 countries. Over the next few months I will be sharing many of the learning’s and reflections from the event. Firstly, let me start with a 4 step process to help you get breakthrough. […]

Tasks you should never put on the back burner….

As we get busy, we all have tasks we put off. Some tasks end up on the back burner out of necessity. If you are putting off the right things, it can be a good move to reduce your workload. Other times, you are simply setting yourself up for trouble later. So, what tasks are […]

How to stay de-stressed throughout the day….

In John Murphy’s recent book, Zentrepreneur: Get Out of the Way and Lead, he argues that letting go of stress that makes us less effective and productive isn’t easy, but like a muscle, it can be developed and mastered. Getting there requires finding the right balance of accepting some things and changing others. Below are […]

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