How to Enhance Productivity and Employee Well-being

In today’s competitive business environment, fostering a workplace culture that emphasises employee happiness is not just a priority but an imperative. Companies are increasingly recognising the integral connection between employee well-being and productivity, and they are adopting innovative strategies to enhance workplace satisfaction. This focus on creating a more inclusive and supportive environment not only […]

What true leadership looks like…

In an era where buzzwords like “ownership” echo through corporate hallways, it’s crucial to revisit the essence of effective leadership. The notion of ‘driving the bus’ or ‘steering the ship’ by middle management may have its roots in well-meaning motivations, but such directives often miss the mark in galvanizing teams. The concept has been diluted […]

Steve Jobs’ Legacy: Mastering Success Through Empowerment and High Expectations

The enduring impact of Steve Jobs extends far beyond Apple’s innovative products. His legacy offers invaluable lessons in achieving success, one of which emphasizes faith in your team’s capabilities. As Walter Isaacson notes in his biography “Steve Jobs,” the Apple co-founder believed in prioritizing people over products and profits, creating a company that’s built to […]

7 Proven Ways to Celebrate Success in Your Business

A significant component of building a high performance team lies in recognising and celebrating achievements. However, a surprising number of businesses fail to do this effectively. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), less than half of the respondents felt that their companies provided fair recognition, leaving many feeling undervalued. Celebrating success […]

How to empower your team to make decisions

The concept of autonomy within an organisation is one of the hallmarks of an innovative culture. Giving employees decision-making power can enhance motivation, resulting in higher levels of performance and well-being. It also allows leaders to focus on more significant and complex decisions, exploring new sources of value creation. However, this shift from centralised control […]

The essential skills to build an effective team in 2023….

In 2023, the concept of a high-functioning team looks a lot different than it did in 2010. Thanks to evolving technology and work-from-home rates, nearly 37% of UK employees work remotely at some point in the previous seven days. As a result, business goals for 2023 must consider new markets and onboarding new staff. With […]

Strategies to deal with frustrating team members

Throughout my coaching career, I have rarely come across a team with feedback that every member was equally productive and never annoying. While I consider this situation a “normal” challenge of team collaboration, I continue to be surprised at how a lack of effort, empathy, or communication skills can cause the whole team to become dysfunctional. Here are […]

How to relieve economic anxiety in your team…

In these uncertain times, leaders are most likely experiencing some pressure from their teams looking for answers on economic uncertainty.   As a leader in these conditions your strategy must focus on calming anxiety through transparency and compassion. Speaking openly about economic uncertainty—rather than avoiding the topic or making light of it—is the best way to […]

Do you have a strategic thinking team?

Being a Scale Up certified coach I often refer my clients to Verne Harnish’s book Scaling Up, for insights and great business tools. In the Strategy section of the book he describes creating Strategic Thinking Teams (the council) and states: “Grab a copy of Collins’ Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t and read the […]

How to empower everyone to lead….

When I ask managers and directors to name the leaders of their company, most would be expected to point to themselves. They are the group who carry the formal, assigned responsibilities of leadership. However, if you ask those same leaders to name people in the business with the biggest influence over culture or the greatest […]

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