The changes business needs to be ready for in 2022

Over the past two years, the business landscape has changed dramatically because of the pandemic. As the global economy continue to move towards a post-pandemic future in 2022, businesses need to adapt to the changing landscape to not only survive but thrive. As you move into planning for 2022 here are seven changes you need to […]

How to get everyone in your company thinking strategically….

“Good ideas can come from anywhere.” Most of us recognise the wisdom in this quote, yet we still see strategy as the realm of a company’s senior leaders. That may be because of our tendency to equate strategic thinking with strategic planning. Although these practices are related and equally necessary for a company’s success, they […]

How to plan for 2021…..

How can any business go through a 2021 planning process when there is so much uncertainty due to the ongoing pandemic, economic crisis and BREXIT ? It may be tempting for some business leaders to delay planning. The temptation is understandable; nobody wants to waste time creating a detailed annual plan that will have to […]

How to plan for 2021…..

How can any business go through a 2021 planning process when there is so much uncertainty due to the ongoing pandemic, economic crisis and BREXIT ? It may be tempting for some business leaders to delay planning. The temptation is understandable; nobody wants to waste time creating a detailed annual plan that will have to […]

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