The Art of Recruiting a Manager: Choosing Wisely for Your Team’s Success

When it comes to building a resilient and efficient team the manager at its helm is the compass that guides the ship. Selecting the right individual for a managerial position is a strategic decision that can have lasting impacts on your business’s trajectory. Here’s a digest on how to recruit a manager who will not only steer but also accelerate your team’s growth.

  1. Performance vs. Leadership Potential

It’s a common misconception that your top-performing team member will seamlessly transition into an excellent manager. Remember, the skills that make a fantastic salesperson, engineer, or designer don’t always translate into leadership prowess. These top performers might shine brightest when they’re doing what they do best, rather than managing others. When considering a candidate for a managerial role, evaluate their leadership potential and invest in developing their abilities if they express interest in the role.

  1. Previous Management Experience: A Double-Edged Sword

Bringing in a rookie manager is a gamble; while they may come with fresh ideas and passion, they often lack the nuanced leadership skills that come with experience. Reflect on my friend who, at 27, found himself “over his skis” in a managerial position. With little guidance and no formal training, he struggled. To avoid this, prioritize candidates with a track record of management success. Yet, don’t discount the newbies entirely—if they’re the right fit, consider if you’re ready to support them with the right training and mentoring.

  1. Navigating the Dynamics of Peer-to-Manager Transition

Promoting from within is tricky when it involves managing former peers. This can create tension and disrupt team dynamics. If you’re set on this path, facilitate open dialogue between the new manager and their team to address potential concerns. Alternatively, think about positioning them with a fresh team, devoid of pre-existing peer relationships, to provide a clean leadership slate.

  1. Commit to Training and Coaching

 Recruiting a manager, whether seasoned or green, should come with a commitment to ongoing development. Are you prepared to provide the resources for their growth? This might mean budgeting for a business coach or allocating time for leadership workshops. Investment in their training will pay dividends in the form of a cohesive, driven team that propels your business forward.


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