Don’t let meetings sabotage your success

Working with a client recently, I observed that their solution to address burned-out leaders was to offer more training in the form of meetings. However, surveys indicate that 83% of meetings on managers’ calendars are unproductive, and meetings are a significant factor in reducing office productivity. It is illogical to solve the problem of unproductive […]

How to empower your team to make decisions

The concept of autonomy within an organisation is one of the hallmarks of an innovative culture. Giving employees decision-making power can enhance motivation, resulting in higher levels of performance and well-being. It also allows leaders to focus on more significant and complex decisions, exploring new sources of value creation. However, this shift from centralised control […]

How marketers must adapt in turbulent times

Even the most experienced marketing teams can find it difficult to navigate through unpredictable and ever-changing economic situations. When times are tough, every aspect of a business must adjust accordingly, and effective marketing leaders recognize this and adapt their plans to meet the organisation’s strategic needs. Over the course of a career, it’s become clear […]

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