How to unleash the power of unicorn employees


Working with 100’s of scale up businesses I have been fortunate to constantly encounter “unicorn employees”, these individuals contribute to their organisations in ways you can’t put a price tag on. These “unicorns” are standout employees who proactively contribute to business improvement. When there’s a problem, they bring solutions to managers, jump at the opportunity […]

Time to roll up your sleeves and implement your strategy?


When leaders “roll up their sleeves,” it can mean one of several things. Often, it is viewed as a willingness to do work that might be perceived as “beneath” them. However, one of the most important reasons for leaders to roll up their sleeves often goes overlooked – to develop and implement a business strategy. Here […]

How to protect your brand as you scale…


Every business is building a brand that represents “the sum of expressions by which an entity intends to be recognised.” Those expressions provide an emotional connection and a degree of trust those that engage with the brand will have. As company’s scale I often see slippage to protecting the brand which can be costly. Here […]

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