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Why feedback is the key communication skill……

With many aspects of communication many complete to be views as the most important: effective listening or building trust, for example.

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With many aspects of communication many complete to be views as the most important: effective listening or building trust, for example. These are important, but for me the most important skill is feedback, both giving and receiving. Effective feedback has enormous benefits for the giver, the receiver and the wider organisation. Here are the key reasons why:

1. Feedback is there all the time

Ask people when feedback happens in business and they usually talk about times such as the annual appraisal. In fact, feedback is around us all the time. Every time we speak or listen to another person, in our tone of voice, in the words we use, in the silences which we allow, we communicate feedback – how far we trust, how much we respect, the degree to which we like or even hate the person in front of us. We cannot not give feedback. If we think we’re not doing it, we’re a dangerous communicator because it means we are probably not managing our communication effectively.

2. Feedback is just another word for effective listening

When one person speaks to another, he or she needs to know that they have been understood and they need to feel that what they said had some form of value. Remove either of these aspects, and a speaker can quickly become confused or even irritated. Giving feedback effectively provides both aspects; for example, showing understanding – ‘I see.’ or ‘OK. I have the same issue.’ – and expressing appreciation – ‘That’s important because …’ or ‘That’s very interesting because …”

3. Feedback is an opportunity to motivate

Positive feedback is another word for praise, and is all about taking the opportunity to express appreciation of a job well done, in the hope of inspiring an individual to do many more jobs even better. Too few leaders, managers, peers and colleagues find time to express thanks to others for something well done, missing the opportunity to inspire greater positive feeling and commitment in those already performing well.

4. Feedback is essential to develop performance

For many, feedback is equated with criticism. Perhaps this is why it is seldom practised with any enthusiasm, and certainly anticipated with less. Yet feedback is not criticism, it is a supportive act intended to deal with under-performance in a constructive way and to develop performance to a higher level.

5. Feedback is a way to keep learning 

Often we will assume things incorrectly. We will communicate in ways which are confusing and possibly impolite for others. The only way to make sure we don’t continue making the same mistakes is to get feedback. Spend time in asking and learning about how others experience working with you – ‘What do you like about the way I work and what don’t you like?’ You might find it difficult to listen to others’ opinions about your behaviour. However it is an opinion and not a fact. You have he choice whether to accept and act on that feedback.