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What to do when what you’re doing isn’t working

A question that I am often asked is how to stay motivated and committed to a course of action when it does not appear to be working, yet you ‘know’ ultimately it will.

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A question that I am often asked is how to stay motivated and committed to a course of action when it does not appear to be working, yet you ‘know’ ultimately it will. There are times when you may be doing the work, sticking to the plan, personally committing 100% and being brutally honest about expected outcomes, but for some reason all your hard work doesn’t seem to be working. For some reason you are not building up momentum to meet those goals or not getting the return on the effort you wanted.

You may be tempted to give up.

The hard facts seem to indicate that your plan is failing. Logic tells you that you need to change direction.

The reality about achieving success is that most of what you have to do in order to achieve success doesn’t feel successful along the way. Your life has to get a whole lot harder before it starts to get any easier.

So how do you stay motivated in those long stretches when you’re working to get to where you want to be? How do you stay focused when you don’t have the results you want to inspire you to do more? Here are ten actions you can pursue to maintain the right mindset:

  1. Take care of your body, mind and energy

  2. Spend time each day thinking about why you want to achieve success in the first place

  3. Recognise the results, however small, you achieve daily

  4. Ask for help from people who will give you really uncomfortable advice

  5. Avoid negative people, mindless entertainment, and anything distracting

  6. Focus on doing at least one thing each day that matters to you

  7. Start journaling, meditating, or spending quiet time to clear your mind

  8. Reframe your situation as a battlefield and your mission as ‘life or death’

  9. Get out of your comfort zone

  10. Take massive action daily