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What I learned from Tony Robbins

About 10 years ago I went to my first Tony Robbins event. It was transformational and moved me onto the coaching path.

About 10 years ago I went to my first Tony Robbins event. It was transformational and moved me onto the coaching path. In preparation for some forthcoming training I had reason to go through my notes from this and other Tony Robbins events I have attended. Below I share with you 5 of my top learnings:

1. Where focus goes, energy flows What we focus on feels real to us in the moment, and whatever we pay more attention to in our lives grows. If we’re focused on how we can add more value to our clients, we’ll consistently find ways to add more value to their lives. If we’re focused on our excuses for why we can’t achieve something, we’ll empower that limiting belief more and more.

2. Decisions lead to destiny “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins It is not our circumstances that define our destiny, rather the decisions we make, because each decision we make leads us to a destination in our lives. There are three decisions we’re always making consciously or subconsciously: what am I going to focus on, what does it mean to me, and what am I going to do about it?

3. Change your story, change your life We all have stories for our lives. Most of the time, we tell them unconsciously to ourselves and to others. For example, how’s your morning been so far? The answer you’re thinking of right now is a story, and the great thing is you have the ability to define your story. You might not be able to change the events and circumstances that happen in your life, but you can certainly choose the meaning for them.

4. A 2 mm change is sometimes all you need In football, the difference between scoring a goal vs not missing the goal is within 2 mm. It’s the difference between hitting the right spot on the ball rather than coming under the ball making the shot fly over the crossbar. The same metaphor can be applied to all aspects of our lives such as business, relationships, health, and finances. For example, maybe you get greater conversions from your sales copies when you highlight the benefits in marketing collateral. Or maybe you notice that your energy magnifies when you drink water in the morning rather than a coffee.

5. Success leaves clues If you want to accelerate the results you want in your life most probably, there’s someone alive who’s achieved what you want. All you need to do is model them and you’ll get the results they got in a much faster time than going through a trial-and-error process.

Book your tickets now to see Tony live in London in 2016 – just click here