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Using Culture and Strategy to Drive Your Success

Constructive debate and difference of opinion canhelp lead to significant breakthroughs. In the world of corporate correctnesswe are all living in, this should be highly encouraged.

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Constructive debate and difference of opinion canhelp lead to significant breakthroughs. In the world of corporate correctnesswe are all living in, this should be highly encouraged.

People matter. More than products, machinery orproperty. People invent and build. People support and serve customers. Yourpeople either create or undermine value, progress or kill relationships,deliver or reduce success. A great strategy in the hands of unhappy,misdirected, misinformed team is a sure way to a slow death. There is nocomparison to being in the hearts and hands of energized and motivated people.

Companies are not linear systems. They areever-changing communities that are dependent on the engagement, talent, and energyof their people to run it successfully. Ignore the well-being of your team andculture at your own peril. Go  inside anycompany, no matter the size, stage of development, or level of success, and theculture is either driving the strategy or undermining it. To exist in the firstplace, a company must have a clear purpose, vision and strategic focus but it’sthe people who have to execute it.

There is loads of evidence in every industrythat excellent strategies are derailed or destroyed by cultures that eitherdon’t understand reject the purpose. And this, in turn, slows or sabotages the implementationof the company’s strategy.

Understanding the relationship between cultureand strategy.

1. Strategy drives focus and direction whileculture is the emotional habitat in which a company’s strategy thrives or dies.

2. Strategy summarises the company’s story. Cultureneeds a clearly understood common language to embrace and tell the story thatincludes mission, vision, values, and clear goals.

3. Strategy is about purpose and ingenuity andculture determines and measures desire, engagement, and execution.

4. Strategy lays down the rules for playing thegame whilst culture determines how the game will be played.

5. Strategy is essential for differentiation,but a vibrant culture delivers the strategic advantage.

6. Culture is built or eroded every day. Howyou climb the hill and whether it’s painful, fun, positive, or negative definesthe journey.

7. When culture embraces strategy, execution isscalable, repeatable, and sustainable.

8. Culture is a clear competitive advantage.

9. Culture must be monitored to understand thehealth and engagement of your team.

10. Strategy and culture both require theclarity and power of brand to bring them seamlessly together.