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Top 10 List for Growth Growth Firms

From the Fortune Leadership Summit in Atalanta – Jim Collins (author of ‘Good to Great’) top 10 List for growth firms

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From the Fortune Leadership Summit in Atalanta – Jim Collins (author of ‘Good to Great’) top 10 List fo growth firms

  1. Change “what” questions to “who” questions

  2. Double your question to statement ratio

  3. Embrace the “Stockdale Paradox” – keep getting up when knocked down

  4. Discover your personal “hedgehog” – what are you both passionate about and best at

  5. Be clear your Core Values, Purpose, and BHAG

  6. Establish a 20 Mile March

  7. Create a “Stop Doing” list

  8. Turn-off electronic gadgets one day every two weeks

  9. Focus on getting a huge return on your next “luck event.”

  10. Strive to be useful (would the world miss you if you/your company was gone?)