Just as you declutter your office and home, from time to time do a check and throw out any beliefs or habits anything that may be holding back your success. Here are some good places to start.
Playing small.
Go big. Grow! Sometimes the process is painful, but it’s worth it.
Trying to be perfect.
Perfectionism sets us up for failure. It’s not a quest for the best but a way of telling yourself you’ll never be good enough.
Waiting for luck.
You make your own luck! Luck builds its foundation on preparation. Coming across good opportunities may be partly a matter of luck, but it’s also a matter of knowing where to find them and being prepared to make the most of them.
Trying to do it alone.
Even if you can pull it off, it’s twice as much work and half as much fun when you do it alone.
Fixating on your weaknesses.
We all have our weak points. Work on them, but focus on your strengths
Living in the past.
Your future starts now. Stop look in the rear view mirror
Small goals.
Small goals yield small results; big goals, big (and sometimes huge) results.
Avoiding change.
Change will happen with your permission or not. Manage it when you can and always make the best of it.
Trying to never make a mistake.
Avoiding risk and never daring is the biggest mistake you can make
Comparing yourself with others.
Comparison is another thief of your happiness. Don’t worry about what others are doing.