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The mental downtime your brain needs…

Over the past few decades, it has become clearer that being “on” 24/7/365 is not a recipe for success. Discussions about work life balance and the need to take holidays are signs that we understand that getting away from work is important for mental and physical health.

Over the past few decades, it has become clearer that being “on” 24/7/365 is not a recipe for success. Discussions about work life balance and the need to take holidays are signs that we understand that getting away from work is important for mental and physical health.

However, it I also useful to dig a little more into what you’re trying to accomplish with your downtime. The more you understand about what you’re trying to achieve, the easier it becomes to recognise when you might need to take a little extra time away from work. In addition, you can do a better job of tailoring your activities to what your brain requires in order to hit the ground running when you return to work again.

An opportunity to clear your mind 

With a constant focus you often end up thinking about the critical problems you’re facing in the same way, which can lead you to bang your head repeatedly against the same walls.

By getting away from work for a while, though, three things happen that can benefit your ability to think differently about the problems you’re facing.

First, your memory of the problem changes when you step away from it. You tend to think about things differently as specific details that had been your previous focus become less prominent. That can change what you’re reminded of.

Next, when you walk away from the problem, the information from memory that has been most accessible so far has a chance to fade, and so you get a fresh opportunity to retrieve new information, which might also result in some additional knowledge coming to the fore.

Finally, the activities you engage in while you are not actively working on a problem may also remind you of things you have encountered that might allow you to approach the problem in a new way when you return to work.

A relaxation of executive control

A lot of the work you do probably requires you to step through key tasks proactively. You have to maintain your focus on key pieces of information and avoid distractions. You have to drive your thinking rather than allowing it to be driven by the information available in the environment. This ability to stay focused on tasks that you want to complete is called executive control.

Maintaining this focus is difficult. That is one reason why you’re often mentally fried by the end of the week. The need to complete key tasks and make important decisions creates mental fatigue.

When you get away from work and feel this kind of exhaustion, you might want to recharge by engaging in activities in which you allow the world to drive your thinking rather than having to be internally driven in what you do. The reason why activities like watching a film or concert can be so restorative is that they allow other people to do the work of determining what you’re going to think about for a while. Even listening to an audiobook or podcast at the end of a workday can give your executive control facilities a chance to rest.

Restoring calm

A third source of mental fatigue is anxiety. Anxiety is your emotional response to potential threats in your world. Unfortunately, a lot of our workday is driven by dealing with potential problems. You may complete tasks to make sure that customers don’t get upset. You might focus on ensuring that competitors don’t undermine your business.

Broadly speaking, you often think about your responsibilities at work. A responsibility is generally something you do to ensure that some bad outcome doesn’t occur. So, a lot of your work life involves the feeling that if you don’t act efficiently, disaster might result. That stress cycle is tiring. It is one reason why so many people end their workday with an alcoholic drink.  While this may numb the stress, it doesn’t eliminate it.

If stress is making it hard to get work done, develop some activities to help you calm yourself. One of the benefits of meditation is that it can be quite effective at reducing stress. Making a meditation practrice part of your normal routine can help. Other calming activities, like a massage, a quiet bath, or a long walk, can help too.