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Tasks you should never put on the back burner….

As we get busy, we all have tasks we put off. Some tasks end up on the back burner out of necessity. If you are putting off the right things, it can be a good move to reduce your workload.

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As we get busy, we all have tasks we put off. Some tasks end up on the back burner out of necessity. If you are putting off the right things, it can be a good move to reduce your workload. Other times, you are simply setting yourself up for trouble later. So, what tasks are currently on your back burner? Putting things on the back burner is not always a bad thing. If the task is not a priority or something you really shouldn’t be doing, then it can be appropriate to put it off. However, when it is an important task, the back burner is not a good place for it. After all, being on the back burner leads to “out-of-sight… and out-of-mind”. For this reasons, there are some tasks that you should avoid relegating to the back burner:

1. Tasks that Can’t be Forgotten – Task that are out-of-sight don’t get done. If it is important, don’t put it on the back burner where it might be forgotten.

2. Quick To Dos – Never put off what you can do immediately. If it can be done in the same amount of time as it takes to put it off, then get it done now!

3. Safety Issues – Never put off safety issues. The item that you delay could end up hurting you or someone else.

4. Tasks That Must be Done Today – If it needs to be done today, then get it done early.

5. Opportunities That Will Pass – Have you ever put off a task that caused you to miss an opportunity? Never put off tasks that are time-sensitive or may expire.

6. Promises to Others – Integrity is key. Promises to others should never go on the back burner. If you can’t give it your priority at this time, then you shouldn’t be promising it in the first place.

7. Tasks That Will Create More Work – Some tasks take more time to clean up later.

8. Tasks That Will Never Get Done – If there is a task that you never intend to do, then don’t even bother putting it on your back burner. Instead, say “No” or delete it from your list.

9. Tasks with a Looming Deadline – Tasks with approaching deadlines should be at the forefront, not on the back burner. Otherwise, deadlines will be missed and deliverables will not be accomplished on time.

10. Tasks with Financial Consequences – Have you ever incurred a fine(late fee, etc.) because you put something off? Don’t let tasks with financial implications sit idle. They will end up costing you.

So this week please reflect on: What do you have on the back burner that shouldn’t be? What do you need to do to ensure these tasks get the attention they require?