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>Successful People Believe in Themselves

>On November 14th Dr Martyn Newman, one of the worlds leading authorities on Emotional Intelligence is holding a seminar ,in conjunction with High Growth, on Building Emotional Capital in Global Leaders.

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>On November 14th Dr Martyn Newman, one of the worlds leading authorities on Emotional Intelligence is holding a seminar ,in conjunction with High Growth, on Building Emotional Capital in Global Leaders. One of the key dimensions of emotional intelligence in self esteem. Successful People with good self-esteem see themselves in afavorable light. They don’t view the world in negatives. Instead they look at life’s circumstances with a positive spin. Theydon’t
see obstacles as barriers to getting what they want. They look at the situationwith exuberance and see the barrier as a challenge to overcome.

Success is a mindset. Successful people believe in themselves. They are able tomeasure their abilities, and yet they separate their self-esteem from theiraccomplishments. They are grounded in knowing who they are, regardless of theirsuccesses or failures. To do this requires certain skills.

You may be asking yourself how you can develop good self-esteem. In addition tobeing able to see the opportunities in all situations, you must be able topositively use self-talk.
Success is driven by your attitude. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have,emphasise the positive. People with good self-esteem are self-confident, theyproject an ability to get the job done, and they demonstrate a positiveattitude.

Do you need to change your attitude?