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Questions That Reveal a Person’s Personality

Meeting new people is one of the best things in life. It’s impossible to learn everything you need to know about someone the first time you meet unless you have some sort of telepathic insight.

Meeting new people is one of the best things in life. It’s impossible to learn everything you need to know about someone the first time you meet unless you have some sort of telepathic insight. However there are some questions you can ask that will give you a deeper, more accurate picture of someone than others. The following five questions give you direct information about the stranger you’re talking with, as well as insights about these people’s personalities as a whole:

  1. How would you describe yourself?

Pay attention to the attributes the ‘stranger’ chooses to disclose first, and how extreme his or her word choices seem to be. Are they words you would associate with an introvert or extrovert?

  1. What is your biggest accomplishment?

This question not only gives you insight into a person’s past, but also tells you two subtle things about his or her personality. First, it shows where this individual’s biggest interests lie; do they respond with a professional accomplishment or a personal one?

Secondly, how long did it take to think of it? If this accomplishment comes only after a long hesitation, that could be a sign of either many or few past accomplishments. You’ll have to probe deeper to find out.

  1. Have you read any good books lately?

The answers you’ll get here vary wildly. First, note the difference between readers and non-readers.

Secondly with actual readers notice where their interests lie – fiction, business and self help , etc.

  1. What is your dream job?

The more ambiguous the question, the better it is. The question isn’t, “What do you want in your next job?” or, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” but, “What is your dream job?”.” Whatever the response, it will tell you whether someone’s given this a lot of thought or has never thought about it before.

  1. Who do you admire?

This question gets you information that’s a little more specific and more insightful. You’ll find people who describe a family member or someone they knew in life; people who admire an athlete or celebrity; and people who look up to successful entrepreneurs or businesspeople.

You might be able to discern something about the intelligence or age of the person you’re talking to here, but more importantly, you’ll learn about his or her values. What is it that makes this “hero” stand out above anyone else who ever lived?