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How to Get a Lifetime Return on a One-Time Investment

It sounds simple but inviting your customers to do additional business with you again is a powerful strategy for significantly improving sales. Business goes where business is invited!

It sounds simple but inviting your customers to do additional business with you again is a powerful strategy for significantly improving sales. Business goes where business is invited!
You paid once for the privilege of entering into a relationship with your customer. If you convinced them to do business, they have given you a vote of confidence. If you meet or exceed their expectations they will be far more likely to give you a second chance than go through another “testing” phase with a new provider.

Once a transaction has been signed companies tend to place their focus on delivering the project successfully or looking for the next transaction. Do you have a five to ten year plan in place for your customers? Do you have a time based system that automatically invites them to do business with you again? This strategy leverages the return on your initial investment. Every additional time you do business you increase your rate of return. You can start by simply making a commitment that before the current project is completed you will:

1. Introduce a new project to the customer.
2. Offer an additional service/enhancement/product.
3. Get a quality referral.
Remember, Business goes where business is invited!

“What life have you if you have not life together?
There is no life that is not in community,
And no community not lived in praise of God…
When the Stranger says: ‘What is the meaning of this city?
Do you huddle close together because you love each other?’
What will you answer?
‘We all dwell together to make money from each other’?
or ‘This is a community’?”

T.S. Eliot.

And that’s worth thinking about…