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How do you align talent with long-term business needs?

For scaling companies finding the right talent for long-term business needs is a process that requires a lot of steps due to those needs constantly evolving. However, certain strategies can be used when looking for candidates to meet business needs in years to come. Here are five strategies I’ve identified through my years in coaching.

For scaling companies finding the right talent for long-term business needs is a process that requires a lot of steps due to those needs constantly evolving. However, certain strategies can be used when looking for candidates to meet business needs in years to come. Here are five strategies I’ve identified through my years in coaching.

1. Develop A Talent Strategy

A talent strategy should be a matrix that lists pivotal talent roles and the options as to whether you will buy, build, have the talent or outsource. Once you have that matrix complete, you can then take action to make sure you have the right talent in the right place at the right time.

2. Look To Recruit For Curiosity And Learning Agility

While it is a best practice to hire based on the requirements of the role, most companies tend to overlook that companies continuously change over time. When I coach my clients on recruitment, I advise them to not just recruit what they need now, but also to focus on recruiting for curiosity and learning agility. These individuals will grow with the company and be valuable in the long run.  

3. Look For The Best Cultural Fit And Potential

Keep in mind that your organisation and business needs change daily. A skill set that is required today can be unnecessary tomorrow. Thus, recruit for minimum knowledge, skill and ability with maximum resilience, respect and collaboration. This means building a learning organisation where you can recruit based on the best culture fit and growth potential.  

4. Prioritise Skill Development

This involves knowing the core skills your company needs, being realistic about the current and future skills gaps, and creating a strategy for upskilling or reskilling employees where needed. With this approach, and since you’ll know which skill sets to prioritise, you’ll be able to select the right talent from a larger pool of internal and external candidates

5. Create A Succession Plan

Long-term talent starts with assessing your employees and developing their skills to ensure that they are the right fit for their role, but more so for the company. Assessing the fit and developing employees helps with a succession plan where there are weaknesses and strengths on the team and within the organisation. Both self-assessments and manager assessments are key to succession planning.