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High Growth Leaders Lead By Example

As a leader in the work place if you are trying to motivate and inspire your team it is critical to send clear messages.

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As a leader in the work place if you are trying to motivate and inspire your team it is critical to send clear messages. If your words are not consistent with your actions, you’re not only creating confusion, you may also be causing damage to your own credibility. I believe there are two key rules you must follow if you wish to ensure your actions are aligning and inspiring your team to follow you.

The two rules:

1) Lead by example: To create the team that you want you must first adopt the behaviour you seek and demonstrate this to your team daily. You cannot expect someone to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. If you expect your team to work hard and produce quality outcomes, you’re going to need to lead by example. There is no greater motivation than seeing the boss down in the trenches working alongside everyone else, showing that hard work is being done on every level. By proving your commitment to the company and your role, you will not only earn the respect of your team, but will also instil that same hardworking energy among your employees.

2) Act with Integrity: As a leader it is your responsibility to develop and nurture trust with every member of their team. The bottom line is simply this, trust is not guaranteed it must be earned. It can’t be won overnight and it can be lost through a single action; once lost, it can be very difficult to re-establish. Remember, any time you make a commitment, no matter how small, and display inconsistent behaviour, you weaken your bond of trust with others. The fact is, everything you do in life sends a message. So, make sure to practice what you preach and always act with integrity.