>As a business coach, I often get asked for help with motivating staff. Contrary to popular belief – the answer doesn’t have to involve financial remuneration. If you want your business to really perform, you must get your staff on your side and create a winning team. To do this, there are six key steps that you must consider and implement. These are as follows:
Strong Leadership
People have to look up to someone to be inspired and strong leadership is about getting that inspiration.
Common Goal
Everyone needs to ‘work off the same song sheet’. There has to be a common vision that is shared and understood by everyone.
Action Plan
Who does what by when. You’ve got the goal but how do you get there. Everyone must understand exactly what their role is, how they execute that role and what is expected of them.
Rules of the Game
What are the boundaries? If people don’t do things as they should – what will be the penalty? Define those rules that may be broken and those rules that are sacrosanct and must not be infringed under any circumstances. Be careful not to stifle creativity because encouraging innovation and the ability to adapt or change according to the situation is a major strength.
Supporting Risk Taking
If you want to get the most from your staff, you don’t want to be a dictator – you want them to think for themselves – but they need to play by the rules of game.
100% Involvement Inclusion
Involve your staff and don’t keep things from them. Let them know what is happening around them and why. Don’t point a finger and say ‘It is all your fault’, but rather ‘Can we understand what happened? – What would we do differently next time?’ If your staff don’t feel part of what is happened, they will think ‘why should I get involved?’ and be switched off.