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East Midlands Fastest 40: Stuart Ross awarded Mentor of the Year

Nottingham-based business coach Stuart Ross, of Global High Growth, has been named

Mentor of the Year at the East Midlands Fastest 40 business awards.

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Nottingham-based business coach Stuart Ross, of Global High Growth, has been named

Mentor of the Year at the East Midlands Fastest 40 business awards.

Stuart, who is one of the most revered business coaches in the UK, joined the region’s

leading business people, who are judged to be making a real difference to their companies

and the wider world of commerce, for the special Business Link awards evening.

Stuart said: “I’m delighted to have been presented with this award. It is a real testimony to the

fantastic businesses that I have worked with and the results they have been able to achieve.

Mentoring is more about partnership than my individual efforts.

“In reality, this award win, and the fantastic testimonials from both past and present clients, is

also a recognition of the power of what excellent business coaching can achieve both for

companies and individuals.

Stuart Ross is generally considered to be one of the country’s leading experts in his field.

With an established approach and proven results in thousands of organisations, he works

with companies across the world to deliver rapid and sustainable high growth.through

coaching, training and an online Academy. Stuart has also published several business books,

including Secrets of High Growth Companies, the internationally acclaimed advisory ebook.

The awards, now in their second year, feature six categories: overall winner, fastest owner-

manager, fastest in professional services, fastest in creative industries, fastest exporter and

mentor of the year.

Business leaders from across the East Midlands gathered at Hotel Maiyango, Leicester, for

the presentation last Thursday.