Dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of growing a company can be a difficult challenge. So, to help you create the right mindset for success in your business ventures and stay mentally strong, I have listed below some ideas which may help you:
Disregard Your Detractors
Should someone doubt your business, observe where the criticism is coming from. Jealousy is born from an inability to imitate; others desire what you possess, but cannot attain it. Therefore, envy takes root and is manifested in insults or negativity. Always understand the nature of your position – you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a pioneer. Be the example and remember, “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” Chinese Proverb
Prep Your Muscles
Be armed and prepared. If you know your product, customer, situation, etc you will feel more confident and will be better equipped to stand your ground or prove your point. This means that you must do one or more of the following: research, practice, read about, ask questions and, especially, listen
Keeping the End in Sight
The end in sight sounds like a limit is being put on your goal or dream. If you don’t know what your objective is, you will end up being “somewhere else”-and it may be “where” you don’t want to be. Have a list of goals and refer to that list often. Then, plan backwards to reach them.
Success Isn’t a Destination
The best way to create the mindset required for success is to re-frame success from a destination to perfection to an ongoing process to achieve validated learning. Too many business owners fear failure. The only failure is not learning from your experiments. Set goals, run tests, and reflect. Lots of tests will not go as you had hoped. If you learn, you win. The journey is the key.
Start Your Day With Energy
Everyone knows that exercise can give you more energy to last throughout a busy day. I would also add mind exercise, guided meditations first thing in the morning , to make your day unstoppable. There are many guided meditations online such as Omvana. By listening to an energy-filled meditation every morning, it helps you focus in on what you need to do and get rid of all doubts you may have – giving you energy for a productive day.