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Be a Warrior and not a Worrier

We all know someone who recently lost a job or who is struggling with their business. The economy is tough today.

We all know someone who recently lost a job or who is struggling with their business. The economy is tough today. Sales are down, credit is tight, budgets are being slashed, and jobs are being cut. We’ve all been affected; it’s just reality. And while we can’t control the stock market or the government, the only thing we can control is how we react to what’s going on, when adversity strikes, “we either fear or we lead.”

If we fear, we crawl out of bed anxious, worrisome, and focus on what we don’t have, or haven’t achieved. We become strangled with doubt and lack confidence. We strap into our jet ready to take-off, but push up the throttle with the brakes on. Doubt prevents us from releasing our brakes and destroys the warrior spirit. It kills performance which eventually leads to failure.

If we lead, we jump out of bed, acknowledge our fear (hey, it’s normal to be afraid when adversity strikes!), and then give thanks for what we have. We gather our resources, plan the day’s activities, and then take action. We focus on doing, not doubting…on performance, not philosophy. We understand that we’re in control of our jet and are ultimately responsible for results.

Here’s the question you have to ask yourself during adverse conditions: Will you fear or lead?

In changing times, we have to be warriors, not worriers. Warriors confront the reality of their fears, and then lead by taking action. Sure we may have doubt, but if you focus on your actions, not on our attitude, that will lead to success. Also embrace the team around you for support, warriors take comfort in those they allow into their inner circle.

In business, attitude alone won’t get you to take off. Yes it’s important, but ultimately you have to take action for change to occur. Attitude gives the thrust, but action provides the propulsion . You have to release the brakes on your jet and roll down the runway with a target and a plan, knowing full well what the stakes are. I know it can be overwhelming and it isn’t easy. But let’s face it; the greatest results in business often require the greatest effort and risk.

I want to emphasise that being a modern day warrior isn’t about combat. It’s about commitment, courage, and accountability. It’s about fighting for a cause that means something. Warriors fight for those they serve, but they also fight for freedom, peace, family, and love. Many of the values we all embrace. Warriors work and work and work. Warriors live by the credo “the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in battle.” They plan and train with discipline and intensity and put forth the effort so that they never have to go to battle. As the great Chinese General and military strategist Sun Tzu wrote in “The Art of War,” the greatest victories in war are the ones that are never fought.

Most importantly, warriors are a beacon of hope for those in need. Warriors are your friends who refer business to you, who share their best practices and give feedback on your sales performance. They give their love and advice freely, but also help you be accountable to yourself! Warriors want you to win.

As we deal in these uncertain economic times, I would ask you to lead rather than fear. Be thankful for the warriors in your life who fight the good fight and who give you the courage to release your brakes and take-off in turbulent conditions. Also have the strength to be a warrior for your customers, your team of coaches, and for those business owners you are yet to get to, who can’t release the brakes on their own.