As the old saying goes: “When you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME.” Nevertheless, as humans we all tend to make them.
So here are some “safe” ones … things that, as a leader, you can feel okay in assuming (and behaving accordingly):
– The e-mails you send will be seen by more people than those they’re addressed to and intended for.
– Things said “just between you and me” won’t always stay that way.
– In all of your dealings with team members, what goes around WILL come around – back at you.
– Your employees CANNOT read your mind. If you don’t tell them what you’re thinking, they’ll assume they know … and there’s a good chance they’ll be wrong.
– Problems you choose to avoid will usually get worse.
– “As long as you don’t hear from me, you’ll know you’re doing okay” is just not true.
– Treat one team member poorly, and ten people will hear about it – including your boss … and Employee Relations.
– Your ability to get another leadership position will be directly related to how well you do on the job you have now.
– Whenever you think “no one will know,” someone WILL.
– Whenever you think “no one will care,” someone WILL.
– Whenever you think “it will never be missed,” it WILL.
– Whenever you think you’re as good as you need to be, YOU AREN’T!