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An Old Chinese Proverb

“In your mind there are two Tigers that are continuously fighting – one is the Tiger of success, positive results and bright futures, the other is the Tiger of failure, negativity, fear and loss – which one wins…?”

“In your mind there are two Tigers that are continuously fighting – one is the Tiger of success, positive results and bright futures, the other is the Tiger of failure, negativity, fear and loss – which one wins…?”

The answer is – whichever one I choose to feed…

Which suggests that success and positivity are a choice and not a given- I have the ability to create the environment in which I will be successful; which means that I am responsible for my own results

How do we create the environment for our own success in our minds such that it will become reality…?

Four simple letters – I V V M..

Idealization…Visualization…Verbalization…and Materialization.

By creating the images and words for success and positive results in our mind, we become drawn to those activities and decisions that result in the outcomes we choose – ever wondered how you got where you are..? It is probably because you created the environment in which your current situation was the only outcome.

In the movie “Evan Almighty” – when “Noah’s” wife in despair takes the children to the Diner to get away from the construction of the Ark in their back yard – God (in the form of Morgan Freeman) sees that she is upset and asks if she is OK – he is after all a good listener. After hearing her story, he tells her that what she prayed / wished for (the family to become closer together) will not simply appear – what will appear is the opportunity to achieve it. The Ark itself – with all its frustrations for her, was in fact the opportunity for her to bring the family closer together through them all pulling together and completing the building of the Ark..

To get a different outcome – create a different environment, recognise the opportunities that arise and then take the risk!

So remember to keep up with the twice daily “I AM” statements, take massive action, and say yes more than you say no.