A farmer once had a horse run away. His neighbors were quite sympathetic saying, “How awful for you.”
He replied, “We’ll see.”
His son went to find the horse and came back triumphantly riding the somewhat agitated steed. The neighbors joyfully exclaimed, “What joy; your horse has been found!”
The farmer calmly said, We’ll see.”
The farmer’s son took it upon himself to break and train the temperamental horse and a few days passed. One morning, the son was thrown from the horse and broke his leg. It required setting and binding and he could not work on his father’s farm in his condition.
The neighbors sadly pronounced, “How unfortunate for you: you will not have your son’s help around the farm for several weeks. What a catastrophe!”
The farmer replied, “We’ll see.”
But one neighbor retorted, “How can you be so flippant about your son’s predicament? I know for a fact that you will have to work late into the night to get all the chores done without his help. You may be in denial, but you DO have a serious problem!”
The farmer quietly said, “We’ll see.”
The following day, the emperor’s guard arrived. They came because the Emperor decided it was time for military conscription. All elligible men would be drafted to go fight in the Emperor’s latest border war. Because of his broken leg, the farmer’s son was not carried off by the army. Because his horse was too unsettled, it was not conscripted. And because he had no horse or son to help him feed the rest of his family he was left to tend to his farm.