Increasingly, having a network is a determinant of your ultimate success. If you have a strong network, your business can withstand just about anything and opportunities will always come your way. Often more opportunities than you know what to do with, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Conversely, if you don’t have a great network, it’s going to be harder in just about any industry.
Always be networking.
Even with a large established network the most successful business people on the planet are always networking.
If you haven’t even started building your network, you need to start immediately. Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneur’s will directly attribute the quality of their network and the people that surround them to their ultimate success.
Network in the right places
The best ones I find are:
Seminars: These are worthwhile if you are well known in your industry, if you are speaking at the seminar, or if you have a connection that can introduce you to the best people. If you don’t have a connection, then the next best bet is to mingle and ask others at the event who else of high value you should absolutely meet.
Masterminds: This is going to sound strange at first, but get involved in masterminds as much as possible. The more money you spend on these events, the better your chances of meeting other highly successful people.
Personal introductions: Find a way to collaborate with highly successful people that you know well. The best business will come from trusted introductions. Ask your best contacts to introduce you to 3 people that they think you should talk to, and do the same for them. If you don’t ask, it may never happen. ”
Network like a pro.
A trusted introduction will carry you, don’t overcompensate. Far too often, people that get great introductions, go on to blow the opportunity because they came off too aggressive or salesy. The best way to leverage a great introduction is to trust that since you have been introduced by a great source and not try to overcompensate.
The more points of mutual connection (i.e. your from the same city, you like a similar football team, drive the same car or are both passionate about the same industries) the faster and easier it will be to build rapport and be memorable.
Follow up
Networking is not over after the first meeting. To build a quality relationship, it takes many conversations.
Make sure to constantly add value to the other person by sending them interesting articles, retweeting their important Tweets and making introductions for them.