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3 Lessons from Elon Musk’s SpaceX Launch

When I watched the video for Elon Musk’s SpaceX Heavy Falcon Launch sending a Tesla Roadster into space, I have to admit I thought it was a joke. The idea was so outrageous that it felt unbelievable. I am in total awe of this man who could create such a powerful event  – so what are the learning’s for business?

When I watched the video for Elon Musk’s SpaceX Heavy Falcon Launch sending a Tesla Roadster into space, I have to admit I thought it was a joke. The idea was so outrageous that it felt unbelievable. I am in total awe of this man who could create such a powerful event  – so what are the learning’s for business?

1. Get free publicity

Doing something outrageous catches attention and get your company free publicity. Most business owners do not have the budget for a space launch, but there are many publicity stunts that do not cost that much and can give big returns. Ideas may be a blog post or article with catchy story that ties your product or service with a current event, or a staged event in a public place to showcase your company or service that draws a crowd.

2. Take risks

There is a saying that “it is lonely going the extra mile because no one else is there.”  Some risks do not pay off but many times the risk can catapult you to a place that would take years on the safe route. Musk played full out with his launch. He had many failures and setbacks that were often televised, but that didn’t stop him. All of those setbacks led to the big payoff.

Taking risks expose weaknesses that you could not see if you played it safe. Once exposed, you can then self-correct, adjust and reach your goals faster. If left in the dark, you don’t know what is missing. Where can you stretch yourself and your business to make a big leap?

3. Have fun

Musk’s car floating through the atmosphere playing David Bowie with a man in a spacesuit is classic. I believe it made everyone smile. Groucho Marx said, “If we aren’t having fun, you are doing something wrong.” This is such an important lesson.

How can you bring more fun into your marketing efforts? Can you bring some levity to your team and work environment?

The world is getting too serious and, as business leaders, we have the power of influence to change the energy around us through our team, customers and suppliers by adding a little fun.