How to overcome leadership inaction in your business……

Have you ever experienced a critical moment where immediate action was required, yet hesitation or procrastination prevailed? In the world of business, such moments of passivity can carry significant consequences. It’s essential to recognise that passivity stands as a formidable foe against efficiency, and as businesses aim to tackle pressing challenges, it’s crucial for leaders […]

Unlocking Productivity: The Surprising Impact of After-Hours Work on Efficiency

In an era where workplace messaging applications like Slack are ubiquitous, the delineation between work and personal time has become increasingly obscure. Despite the perceived benefits of constant connectivity, recent research from Slack’s Workplace Lab indicates that this ‘always-on’ culture might be counterproductive. The study, surveying approximately 10,000 desk-based employees, reveals that those who disconnect […]

Unlocking a 3-Day Work Week: A Blueprint for Efficiency and Burnout Prevention

In a recent Bloomberg interview, Jamie Dimon, the visionary leader, shared his prediction of a future where the conventional workweek shrinks to just three days. His rationale for this bold assertion revolves around the evolving landscape of technology. According to Dimon, these technological advancements will empower us by relieving us of tedious, time-consuming tasks that […]

Breaking Free from the ‘Busyness’ Trap: A Recipe for Workplace Productivity

I vividly recall a time when being considered ‘good’ at your job often meant mastering the art of looking perpetually busy, even if your actual workload was light. It was a peculiar dance where the appearance of productivity overshadowed real output, and the hours spent at your desk were used as a gauge of your […]

How to deliver success through the 80/20 rule

The Pareto principle or the 80/20 Rule – the fact that 20% of efforts cause 80% of the results across many areas of our life –  is a critical mental model that has driven Warren Buffett’s success. So how do you  consistently and masterfully apply the 80/20 Rule to your life? Here is a 10 […]

How to implement a four day workweek

Some of my clients recently have been trialling a 4 day workweek. While some have been successful, others have struggled to roll them out correctly.  Here some learnings I have gleaned from those that have struggled. 1. GOING ALL IN, RIGHT AWAY Instead of switching the entire company to a new work schedule, start by testing […]

How to help your team return from holiday and hit the ground running

It is estimated 60% of UK employees will take five or more days of their holiday entitlement in August.  However, a third say they plan to work or be available during their time off. Every employee needs time off. Studies show overwork leads to health problems like insomnia and depression. In turn, these issues impact […]

Is your strategy achievable?

Everyone I meet has problems. We all have things that don’t go as planned or have challenges which catch us off guard. When you stop to think about it, a problem is nothing more than a situation in need of improvement. My experience is that people can have three responses to their “situations”: Play the […]

How to boost your productivity…..

In the process of updating my Time Mastery workshop I started researching the idea of productivity. This concept has gone from being a clear, quantitative measure of each worker’s efficiency in a factory setting during the Industrial Age to a mix of everything in an office setting—psychology, creativity, business operations, collaboration, communications, etc. But it’s […]

How to boost your productivity…..

In the process of updating my Time Mastery workshop I started researching the idea of productivity. This concept has gone from being a clear, quantitative measure of each worker’s efficiency in a factory setting during the Industrial Age to a mix of everything in an office setting—psychology, creativity, business operations, collaboration, communications, etc. But it’s […]

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