Is your growth strategy actually helping you grow?

Growth should be a priority within the first 5 to 10 years of a business. After all It is what drives profit and makes you competitive with similar businesses in your industry. However, growth doesn’t happen just by working hard. Like most goals, you need a strategic plan, complete with KPIs and benchmarks along the […]

The Pitfalls to Avoid When Developing Your BHAG

A key part of your long-term strategy is what Jim Collins defines as your Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) – a 10-25 year visionary stretch goal. Your BHAG helps you grow with purpose. This ‘north star’ provides guidance and helps everyone in your company choose between the opportunities that arise as you continue to grow.   […]

Provocative thinking

Part of my job is to provoke client’s thinking. Here are 10 predictions about the future I have discussed some of my clients over the last few months in coaching or strategy planning sessions, to challenge and provoke their thinking: LinkedIn and Facebook will become so full of people trying to get business that it […]

How to get everyone in your company thinking strategically….

“Good ideas can come from anywhere.” Most of us recognise the wisdom in this quote, yet we still see strategy as the realm of a company’s senior leaders. That may be because of our tendency to equate strategic thinking with strategic planning. Although these practices are related and equally necessary for a company’s success, they […]

Do you have a vision for the post Covid-19 future?

As the Covid-19 pandemic disrupts the way we live, work, and conduct business, leaders are scrambling to manage the immediate fallout. However, as history proves, it’s also necessary to prepare for what’s next. Visionary leaders like Abraham Lincoln, , Winston Churchill, and Nelson Mandela didn’t simply react to the most imminent threats confronting them; they […]

How to define a company’s purpose……

There are a host labels out there that can describe a company’s direction? Do we really need a “purpose” to add to this list? I believe we do. Below I have pulled together a list which starts to distinguish between the various direction led labels. A vision statement says what the company wants to be […]

How do you nurture strategic thinking throughout your company?

“Good ideas can come from anywhere.” Most of us recognise the wisdom in this quote, yet we still see strategy as the realm of a company’s senior leaders. That may be because of our tendency to equate strategic thinking with strategic planning. Although these practices are related and equally necessary for a company’s success, they […]

How to get your employees engaged with your strategy…

Have you ever been asked “Why are we doing this initiative?” or “Why did we stop focusing on this activity?” These seem like innocent questions, but as a business leader, you might start to worry. The answers are in your strategy, and whether it was just launched last week or is in your plan from […]

Why Strategic Planning is Important

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” –  Lewis Carroll, as paraphrased by George Harrison According to Investopedia one of the key reasons business fail is not having any type of strategic plan. If a business has little idea where it is headed, it will wander aimlessly without direction, […]

Key Steps to Strategic Planning – Part 2

To stay on the growth path in 2020, alignment on a vision, strategy, and key initiatives is essential. By having participation and alignment across your company in the planning process, you can be certain that each team knows it’s part in the success of the company.Last week we covered the first 3 stages of effective […]

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