Conquer Fear

In her book, “Conquer Fear!”, Lisa Jimenez, a charming Florida speaker I’ve had the pleasure of smeeting, lists “The Seven Truths” that can help anyone harness and overcome their fears. I’ve paraphrased them for you here:

Truth #1

Fear is the dominant challenge in your life today.

Truth #2

Fear is a “gift” that was instilled in you as a means of protection, and a way to bring you closer to your “higher power.”

Truth #3

When you run from, or deny your fear, you leave that “gift” unopened.

Truth #4

When your fear of success, or fear of failure is exposed, you break through the control they have over you.

Truth #5

Your belief system is the driving force behind your behaviours and your results.

Truth #6

Your everyday habits broadcast your belief system, your fears, and your unmet needs, loud and clear, for other to “pick up.”

Truth #7

Change your beliefs (the way you think) and you change your behaviours (which are a reflection of the way you feel). Change your behaviours (feelings) and you change your results. Change your results and you change your life. It’s the only way you can…


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